What Happens If You Change The Title of a Site Which Is Already Ranking

Have you tried to change Title of any site which is already ranking? Anyway most of us won’t like to change the Title of a site which is ranking well since Title is the most important part of Onpage SEO. Even I didn’t wanted to do, but I did for better performance of site. A proper Title is really very important to rank well in search engine. Even you can rank with a blank pageif you use the  proper Title and then do the Offpage SEO well. I have done this myself in one of my testing. Of course you have to use the exact keyword in Title for which you want to rank and it won’t be possible for a tough keyword.
I have changed Title of 3 of my major sites and I did when all of them were in Top 3 in Google.com. Among these 3, I changed 2 of them 8 months back and recently I changed this blog’s Title. Already you might have noticed that.
Did I Lose Ranking?
Till now I did not lose any rank. It’s ranking even better. Anyway that was the aim of changing Title. I wanted to rank my main domain for one secondary keyword and because of that I added the secondary keyword in Title. But few thing you need to keep in your mind while doing this and they are:
1. Do not change your main keyword for which your domain is ranking. Otherwise your site might lose rank. For example: My this blog’s main keyword is Earn Money Online. I did not wanted to change that since I am #1 in Gogole.com for earn money online. I have added other keyword Make Money Online in my Title.
2. Google display maximum 70 characters from your Title in the SERP. So, try to utilize all those 70 characters using the best and related keywords in Title. Below is one example:
Suppose you want to rank for Make Money Online. So, instead of using only Make Money Online in Title, You can use as below:
Make Money Online: Learn How To Make Money Online Fast From Home
If you use Title as above, you can target your domain for various keywords such as:
make money online, how to make money online, make money online fast, make money online from home etc. I hope you got my point.
I do this always with all of my sites and I am getting good result following this approach. While doing this, I usually try to rank for the main keyword first, then for the second and third. Also make sure to use secondary keywords in content as well. This will definitely help you to rank your site better.
3. While building links, use your main keywords in anchor text. Do not vary them initially. I know this is a great point to debate, but I want show you the method that is working well for me. Once your site started to rank for main keyword, give your site sometime to settle down. Then start varying anchor text as 50% primary keyword, 25% second keyword and 25% third keyword. Also track down your result properly. If you notice any ranking drop for the main keyword, then stop varying keyword in anchor text for sometime and use only main keyword in anchor text.
Usually it doesn’t create any problem for an old site if we vary keyword in anchor text while building backlinks. Problem occurs only for new site and you should be careful while building links for any new site.
Hope you find my blog post valuable. Please note that I got this result from on my own testing. You might have seen different result and if so, please share your findings below. Moreover if you have any questions then post below. I will be glad to help you.

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What Happens If You Change The Title of a Site Which Is Already Ranking What Happens If You Change The Title of a Site Which Is Already Ranking Reviewed by ArRahbari on 9:13 AM Rating: 5

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