Every one wants money

This is a big lie that " I don't care about the money " . Everybody like to have enough money to spend for enjoying their life . For those people who working online I read an article today about 30 most earners of bloggers .  They did an awesome job . The first place was earned about 2.5 million dollars . It may be unbelievable but I think they earned .  Next one was earned about 1.1 million dollars and most of them earned from their advertisers and sponsors . When I read that article , I really want to earn like them but it's too hard and need a lot of tries , but I will do my best and I will try to be one of them . Their page rank is so good and they are on top of blog search . It help them to have more traffic and visitors . I need to have more visitors too . I must increase my page rank , traffic and link backs . I will start my job now . 
Every one wants money Every one wants money Reviewed by ArRahbari on 9:57 AM Rating: 5

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